Let's learn english ogether
Hello Everyone, let's learn english ogether and the QQ group is 332593394. Looking forward to comeing and joining us. Title make a spelling mistake. 紫叶风铃 发表于 2014-7-27 14:28Title make a spelling mistake.
能不能用国语,,,,有病~! no,thanks 早还给老师了,苦逼的英语,对我的人生没有一丁点帮助。 本帖最后由 朝晖婚庆1 于 2014-7-27 16:04 编辑
可以改的,Let's learn English together.Looking forward to your coming and joining us. 短短一个句子错误百出 还学什么英语啊没意思 拼音都不认识的,路过。